标题: 滤清器过滤性能检测ISO标准小结 [打印本页]
作者: guolvfenlitech6 时间: 2018-1-7 14:13
标题: 滤清器过滤性能检测ISO标准小结
2018-01-07 小滤
1.ISO4548-12:内燃机全流式机油滤清器试验方法 第12部分:采用颗粒计数法测定滤清效率和容灰量
【英文标准名称】: Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internalcombustion engines - Part 12: Filtration efficiency using particle counting,and contaminant retention capacity
【原文标准名称】: 内燃机全流式机油滤清器试验方法 第12部分:采用颗粒计数法测定滤清效率和容灰量
【标准号】: ISO 4548-12-2000
【标准状态】: 现行
【国别】: 国际
【中文主题词】: 试验设备;颗粒数;润滑系统;过滤;过滤器;滤油器;沉积潜力;主流;留滞;润滑;内燃机;效率;自动动清洁;污染物;分离效果;试验;性能试验;定义;定义
【英文主题词】:Contaminants;Definitions;Depositionpotentials;Efficiency;Filters;Filtration;Internal combustionengines;Lubrication;Lubrication systems;Main current;Oil filtersarticlenumbererformance tests;Retention;Self-cleaning;Separation efficiency;Test equipment;Testing
【摘要】: This part of ISO 4548specifies a multi-pass filtration test with continuous contaminant injectionand using the on-line particle counting method for evaluating the performanceof full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines.The testprocedure determines the contaminant capacity of a filter, its particulateremoval characteristics and differential pressure.This test is intended forapplication to filter elements having a rated flow between 4 l/min and 600l/min and with an efficiency of less than 99 % at a particle size greater than10 μm.NOTE Several test flow loops built into one testrig, or several test rigs, would be required to cover the complete flow rangeof 4 l/min to 600 l/min.
【国别】:国际 . 【中文主题词】:效率;测定;试验;定义;过滤器特性;性能试验;汽油;内燃机;燃油滤油器;过滤器;颗粒;机动车燃料;粒子浓度;柴油
【正文语种】:英语 3. ISO 16889-2008 液压传动过滤器.滤波器元件过滤性能的评估用多次通过法
【英文标准名称】: Hydraulic fluid power - Filters - Multi-pass method for evaluatingfiltration performance of a filter element
【原文标准名称】: 液压传动过滤器.滤波器元件过滤性能的评估用多次通过法
【标准号】: ISO 16889-2008
【标准状态】: 现行
【国别】: 国际
【发布日期】: 2008-06-15
【发布单位】: 国际标准化组织(IX-ISO)
【起草单位】: ISO/TC 131
【中文主题词】: 定义;效率;滤波器元件;过滤器;液压管路;流体过滤器;流体系统;液压过滤元件;液压传动;测量条件;机械工程;性能试验;试验参数;试验报告;测试
【英文主题词】efinition;Definitions;Efficiency;Filter elements;Filters;Fluid circuits;Fluidfilters;Fluid systems;Hydraulic filter element;Hydraulic fluidpower;Measurement conditions;Mechanical engineeringerformance tests;Testparameter;Test report;Testing
【摘要】: This International Standarddescribes the following:a) a multi-pass filtration performance test withcontinuous contaminant injection for hydraulic fluid power filter elements;b) aprocedure for determining the contaminant capacity, particulate removal anddifferential pressure characteristics;c) a test currently applicable tohydraulic fluid power filter elements that exhibit an average filtration ratiogreater than or equal to 75 for particle sizes ~< 25 pm(c), and a finalreservoir gravimetric level of less than 200 mg/L;NOTE It is necessary todetermine by validation the range of flow rates and the lower particle sizelimit that can beused in test facilities.d) a test using ISO medium test dustcontaminant and a test fluid in accordance with Annex A.This InternationalStandard is intended to provide a test procedure that yields reproducible testdata forappraising the filtration performance of a hydraulic fluid power filterelement without influence of electrostaticcharge.This International Standardapplies to three test conditions:-- test condition 1, with a base upstreamgravimetric level of 3 mg/L;-- test condition 2, with a base upstreamgravimetric level of 10 mg/L;-- test condition 3, with a base upstreamgravimetric level of 15 mg/L.
【中国标准分类号】: P20
【国际标准分类号】: 23_100_60
【页数】: 48P.;A4
【正文语种】: 英语
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