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砜滤芯对舒血宁注射液生产质量的影响*周晓雨 1,孙胜斌 2,3,陈翔宇 3,张岩岩 3,姜国志 4,陈 钟 3,4(1. 河北神威药业有限公司,河北 廊坊 065000; 2. 河北省中药注射液工程技术研究中心,河北 石家庄 051430;3. 神威药业集团有限公司,河北 石家庄 051430; 4. 中药注射剂新药技术开发国家地方联合工程实验室,河北 石家庄 051430)
摘要: 目的 探讨聚醚砜(PES)滤芯对舒血宁注射液生产质量的影响。方法 对过滤前后的滤芯进行完整性测试,电镜分析,溶出物分析及不挥发性残留物测定,并测定总黄酮含量及指纹图谱。结果与结论 过滤前后的滤芯泡点,电镜图无明显差异,可能引入舒血宁注射液的溶出物有聚乙烯吡咯烷酮、己内酰胺和聚乙二醇,但放大至工艺批量时溶出物浓度很低,可忽略,1 支 10 英寸的 PES 滤芯的不挥发性残留物不会超过 0. 161 0 g。过滤过程对舒血宁注射液的总黄酮含量及指纹图谱无明显影响。PES 滤芯对舒血注射液生产质量无显著影响。
关键词: 聚醚砜滤芯; 舒血宁注射液; 溶出物; 影响中图分类号: TQ461; R286. 0 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1006 - 4931 (2016 )17 - 0025 - 04Influence of PES Filter Cartridge on the Production Quality of Shuxuening InjectionZhou Xiaoyu1, Sun Shengbin2, 3, Chen Xiangyu3, Zhang Yanyan3, Jiang Guozhi4, Chen Zhong3, 4( 1. Hebei Shineway Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Langfang, Hebei, China 065000; 2. Hebei Engineering Research Center for TCM Injection Shijiazhuang,Hebei, China 051430; 3. Shineway Pharmaceutical Group Co.,Ltd.,Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China 051430; 4. State - Local Joint Engineering Laboratoryof New Drugs Development Technology for TCM Injection Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China 051430 )Abstract: Objective To study the influence of PES filter cartridge on the production quality of Shuxuening Injection. Methods Thefilter cartridge before and after filtration was conducted integrity test,SEM analysis,dissolution analysis,non volatile residue determination,and the content of total flavonoids and fingerprint of Shuxuening liquid were determined. Results and Conclusion The PES filter ofbubble point and electron micrographs showed no significant difference before and after filtration,Soluble substances that may enter theShuxuening Injection were polyvinylpyrrolidone, caprolactam and polyethylene glycol, but they can be ignored when the process wasenlarged to industrial size,the NVR of 10 inch PES filter cartridge did not exceed 0. 161 0 g. There was no significant effect on totalflavonoids and fingerprint of Shuxuening Injection in the filtering process. PES filter has no significant effect on the production qualityof Shuxuening Injection.Key words: PES filter cartridge; Shuxuening Injection; soluble substance; influence
膜过滤技术已被广泛应用于制药行业,是制药纯化、无菌保证过程的重要手段[ 1 - 2 ]。对于液体过滤,除菌滤芯的膜材的标称孔径一般为 0. 22 μm,且 1 cm2 有效过 滤 面 积 在 工 艺 条 件 下 可 对 缺 陷 型 假 单 胞 杆 菌( Brevundimonas diminuta,ATCC 19146) 截留 107 CFU[3]。除菌滤芯的膜有亲水和疏水之分,一般的液体无菌制剂产品溶剂均为注射用水,故选择亲水性除菌滤芯。聚醚砜(PES) 滤芯的优点是具有独特的亲水性滤膜结构,孔径分布均匀,孔隙率高,且具有广泛相容性,耐酸、耐碱性能好,故多数无菌制剂的终端除菌过滤均选择 PES.
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