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Pegas 所有者R2G集团收购First Quality非织造布业务











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发表于 2018-6-11 12:59:27 来自手机 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

2018-06-11   环球过滤分离技术网     guolvfenlitech6

据报道,捷克Pegas Nonwovens公司的母公司R2G集团已经达成协议,购买First Quality Nonwovens的非织造布资产,此举将扩大其非织造布业务的规模和全球覆盖范围。此次收购预计将于本年度的第三季度完成。
分析师称,First Quality在宾夕法尼亚州和中国无锡都拥有非织造布业务,其价格标签高达5亿美元,该公司。 据报道,这家非织造布生产商的大部分产能用来生产卫生用品,其中包括婴儿纸尿裤,女性卫生用品,成人纸尿裤,湿巾和宠物护理产品。
尽管对于First Quality的非织造布业务知之甚少,但大多数专家一致认为,该公司在宾夕法尼亚州的两家工厂拥有8条生产线,产能约为10万吨纺粘和纺熔无纺布。 此外,它在中国无锡还运营了至少一条于2013年投产的生产线。据信First Quality在宾夕法尼亚州也有水刺生产线。
总部位于捷克的私募股权基金R2G于2016年成立,目前主要关注First Quality的收购,以扩大其在一次性卫生市场上的全球知名度。 之前R2G集团于2017年9月收购Pegas。Pegas目前在捷克共和国的两座工厂共有9条生产线,第10条生产线也正在建设中,此外,Pegas在南非和埃及各拥有一条生产线。 其大部分销售都在欧洲大陆进行,公司已将全球扩张作为重中之重。
“我们对非织造布业务非常有信心,”R2G首席执行官Michae Smrek表示,“这项收购将使集团公司能够为我们遍布四大洲的客户提供全球性服务。 收购后,我们将拥有最先进的生产设施和无与伦比的专业技术和研发专业知识,以确保我们的客户从我们提供的优质产品中受益,并且这种组合将带来联合创新和协同效应。当我们收购Pegas时,我们说这是构建全球平台的第一步。 这次收购FirstQuality则是第二步,我们非常期待现在就开始将投资给到我们的全球平台以及让公司获得成功的人。”
Pegas和First Quality Nonwovens都是全球卫生行业的主要供应商,他们的合并将使全球最大的纺粘和纺熔非织造布供应生产线之一在四大洲。而在即将到来的对捷克和南美洲的投资完成后,Pegas的年产能将达到131,000吨,而First Qualiyt在美国的产能将达到97,000吨,在中国的产能将达到24,000吨。 两家公司的年销售额将在5.5-6亿美元。


Pegas Owner to Buy First Quality Nonwovens
In a move that will increase the size and global reach of its nonwovens business, R2G Group, the owner of Czech-based Pegas Nonwovens, has reportedly struck a deal to purchase the nonwovens assets of First Quality Nonwovens. Analysts put the price tag of First Quality, which has nonwovens operations in Pennsylvania and Wuxi, China, as high as $500 million. The notoriously private nonwovens producer reportedly uses much of its output to feed its private label hygiene business, which includes baby diapers, feminine hygiene items, adult diapers, wipes and pet care products.
Not much is known about First Quality’s nonwovens operations but most experts agree that the company makes about 100,000 tons of spunbond and spunmelt nonwovens on eight lines at two plants in Pennsylvania. It also operates at least one line Wuxi, China, which came on stream in 2013. It is believed the First Quality also has spunlace assets in Pennsylvania.
According to reports, R2G, a Czech-based private equity fund started in 2016, is eyeing First Quality to expand its profile among its global customers in the disposable hygiene market. Pegas currently operates nine lines at two plants in the Czech Republic, where it has a 10th line under construction, and has one-line operations in South Africa and Egypt. The majority of its sales are conducted within continental Europe and the company has made global expansion a top priority. R2G purchased the company in September 2017.
“We believe strongly in the nonwovens business," says Michae Smrek, CEO Of R2G. "This transaction will enable us and our group companies to support our global customers across four continents. Post transaction, we will have state-of-the-art production facilities and unrivalled know-how and R&D expertise to ensure that our customers benefit from the premium products we offer and the joint innovation and synergies that this combination will bring. When we acquired Pegas, we said that this was the first step to building a global platform. This transaction is the second step and we look forward to now investing into our global platform and the people that have made the production companies a success.”
Combining Pegas and First Quality Nonwovens will produce one of the world’s largest suppliers of spunbond and spunmelt nonwovens with lines on four continents. When its upcoming investments in Czech Republic and South America are complete, Pegas will have an annual capacity of 131,000 tons while First Qualiyt can make 97,000 tons in the U.S. as well as 24,000 tons in China. Together the two companies' annual sales will be in the $550-600 million region. Both companies are major suppliers to the global hygiene industry.
The transaction is expected to be complete in the third quarter.



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