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2021-06-03 环球过滤分离技术网 mems6
Welcome to this Swagelok how-to video 欢迎观看本期的世伟洛克操作指南节目 here's what you'll need to bend tubing 当你使用世伟洛克的 using a Swagelok 手动弯管器去做一个管弯 hand tube bender 您将用到这些工具 A hand tube bender corresponding to the tubing size 一个与管材尺寸相符的手动弯管器 a piece of tubing a marker 一截管材 一根记号笔 a protractor is optional 可附带一个量角器 A Swagelok hand tube bender can be used to make consistent 世伟洛克的手动弯管器可以确保在 high quality bends in tubing made from most materials 不同材质的管材上均能做出高标准的弯 the hand tube bender bends one eighth (1/8) 适用于 one-quarter (1/4), five sixteenths (5/16) 1/8、1/4、5/16 three-eighths (3/8)、and half (1/2) inch 3/8、以及1/2英寸 and three (3),Six (6), eight (8), ten (10) 或者3毫米6、8、10 and twelve (12) millimeter outside diameter 和12毫米外径的 tubing in a variety of wall thicknesses 不同壁厚的各种管材 the wall thickness requirements for one-quarter (1/4) inch stainless steel tubing 对于1/4英寸的不锈钢管的折弯 to be bentusing the hand tube bender 壁厚的要求为 Are a minimum of zero point zero two eight (0,028) inches 最小0.028英寸 or zero point seven one millimeters (0,71) 或0.71毫米 and a maximum of zero point zero six five (0,065) inches 最大0.065英寸 or one point six five (1,65) millimeters for a hand tube bender 或1.62毫米 with a bend radius of nine sixteenths (9/16) inches 弯曲半径应为9/16英寸 the tubing must be 管材应为完全退火, fully annealed, high-quality seamless or welded and drawn 高质量的无缝或焊接锻造管 meeting ASTM A269,or A213 or the equivalent 符合ASTM A269或A213的相应标准 with a hardness of 90 HRB or 200 HB 硬度应达到90HRB或200HB this hand tube bender can be used to form single, offset and other bends 弯管器可以用来制作单个或者组合弯 we will go through the procedure to make a ninety (90) degree bend 我们将演示如何在管头4英寸橱 four (4) inches from the end of the tube 弯一个90度的弯 followed by a hundred eighty degree (180) bend 然后再做一个180度的弯 with four inches between bends for the ninety (90) degree bend 两个弯呈90度间距为4英寸 first place a reference mark at the end 首先,从管的顶端 of the tube from which you are beginning the measurements 标记一个开始测量的参照点 measure four (4) inches from the reference mark and make a bend mark 从参照点量出4英寸 to indicate the first desired bend length 并且标出想要的弯的长度 swing the short handle up so it is above the bender die 把短手柄提起到弯模的上方 open the tube latch 打开卡管器 place the tube in the groove of the bender die 将管材放在模具的槽里 with the reference mark to the left of the tube latch 使参考点与卡管器左侧重合 close the tube latch over the tube 合上卡管器 this restricts movement of the tube 使管子固定至 but still allows for additional alignment 有一定的可调整余量即可 carefully lower the short handle until 轻轻的降低短柄 the roll dies rest gently on the tube 直到模具轻轻地贴到管材上 while keeping the link straight and 在保持直线的推进的同时 parallel to the long handle 保持与长柄平行 note that premature bending 需注意过早的压弯 may occur if the link is not straight and parallel to the long handle 可能会导致不够平直或与长柄不水平 Align the zero on the roll support 使支点刻度的零位 with the zero on the name plate 和铭牌上的零位对齐 with the reference end of the tube to the left of the latch 将参考点和卡管器的左侧对齐 align the bend mark with the mark on the roll support 使标尺上的弯曲标记 that corresponds to the bend angle 和弯曲角度重合 L corresponds to ninety (90) degrees “L”对应的是90度 slowly pushed the short handle down 慢慢的推动短手柄 until the zero (0) on the roll support 直到 reaches the ninety (90) degree mark on the name plate 零刻度与铭牌上的90度位置重合 note that the tubing will spring back slightly 值得注意的是 after the bend has been completed 管材弯成型后会有轻微的回弹 to adjust for spring back 调整回弹量的方法如下: Lift the bender handle 提起手柄 and repeat the alignment of the tubing with the roll support 重新将管材和转轴对齐 then measure the bend with the bender scale 然后看着弯管刻度尺 and bend an additional two or three degrees as needed 根据需要多弯两三度 after completing the bend, swing the 管弯成型后,将短手柄提起 short handle up and away from the tube 使其和管材分离 pull the tube latch off the tube 打开卡管器 and remove the tube from the bender groove 将管材从模具的槽中取出 verify the bend angle using a protractor, template 用量角器,或样品 or against a known angle to ensure the 去确认 desired bend angle has been achieved 角度达标 now for the hundred and eighty (180) degree bend 接下来是这个180度的弯 Make a second bend mark four (4) inches 将90度弯顶点的部位 from the vertex of the ninety (90) degree 作为参考点,在4英寸的位置 bend away from the reference mark 做出第二个弯的标记 place a directional mark over the bend mark 并在上面做一个指向标记 to indicate the outside or heel 以标明180度弯 of the hundred and eighty (180) degree bend 折弯的方向 This will help insure the bend is made in the intended direction 以便取得预期的效果 place the tube in the groove of the bender die 然后,将管放进模具的槽中 with the reference mark to the left of the tube latch 使卡管器的左侧与标记贴合 close the tube latch over the tube 关闭卡管器 this restrict movement of the tube 使管材固定 but still allows for additional alignment 但仍保留一定的可做微调的量 carefully lower the short handle 小心的放下短手柄 until the roll dies rest gently on the tube 直到管模与管材贴合 while keeping the link straight and 保持短手柄的直线推进 parallel to the long handle 并使其与长手柄保持平行 note that premature bending may occur if 特别要注意过早的 the link is not straight and parallel to 去折弯可能会导致 the long handle 无法保持折弯平直或与长柄不水平 align the zero (0) on the roll support 调整标尺的零位 with the zero (0) on the name plate 和铭牌的零位对齐 with the reference end of the tube to the left of the latch 并确认 align the bend mark with the mark on 管末端的参考标记与转轴对齐 the roll support that corresponds to the bend angle 和弯管角度相符 L corresponds to ninety degrees “L”对应的是90度 slowly push the short handle down 缓慢的推动短手柄 Until the zero (0) on the roll support 直到标尺的零位 reaches approximately ninety (90) degrees on the name plate 与铭牌上的90度近似对齐 loosen the short handle from the clevis 从U型连接片处松开短手柄 until the short handle will swing without moving the roll support 在轴不转动的情况下 swing the short handle up 推动短手柄 until it is slightly above perpendicular to the long handle 直到它略高于长手柄的垂直线 retighten the short handle 重新上紧短手柄 this will provide continuous right angle 这样就提供了 leverage for the rest of the bend 继续弯弯的杠杆力 continue the bend until the zero (0) on the 然后继续折弯 roll support reaches the hundred and 直到标尺上的零位 eighty (180) degree mark on the name plate 到达铭牌上的180度的位置 after completing the bend 折弯完毕 swing the short handle away pausing when the zero (0) on 在提起短手柄 the roll support reaches approximately ninety (90) degrees 标尺零位与90度近似重合的时候 loosen the short handle 停下来松开短手柄 Move it until parallel with the long handle 使其与长手柄平行 then retighten the short handle 并重新上紧短手柄 move the short handle up and away from the tube 将短柄提起与管分离 pull the tube latch off the tube 打开卡管器 and remove the tube away from the bender groove 将管材从槽中取出 Verify the bend angle using a template 用样品比对 or against a known angle 折弯的角度 to ensure the desired bend angle has been achieved 以确保折弯的效果达标 refer to Swagelok.com and the product literature for additional 请登陆Swagelok.com并参阅 information 产品文献以获得更多信息