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发表于 2020-8-23 11:10:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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2020-08-23   环球过滤分离技术网     mfiltraiton1

最全 | WHO:非无菌制剂暖通空调GMP指南:第二部分



Contents 目录
Section 1 and 2. Introduction and Scope
第一、二节 简介与范围
Section 3. Glossary
第三节 术语
Section 4. Premises
第四节 厂房
Section 5. Design of HVAC systems and components 第五节 暖通空调系统和部件的设计
Section 6. Full fresh air and recirculation systems
第六节 全新风及再循环系统
Section 7. Air filtration, airflow direction and pressure differentials
第七节 空气过滤、气流方向和压差
Section 8. Temperature and relative humidity  
第八节 温度和相对湿度
Section 9. Dust, vapour and fume control
第九节 粉尘、蒸汽和烟雾控制
Section 10. Protection of the environment
第十节 环境保护
Section 11. Commissioning
第十一节  试车
Section 12. Qualification
第十二节 确认
Section 13. Maintenance
第十三节 维护

Section 6. Full fresh air and recirculation systems
第六节  全新风及再循环系统

Manufacturers may select to have full fresh air systems or recirculate treated air supplied to production areas (In a full fresh air system, no air is recirculated. In recirculation systems, a defined percentage of the air is recirculated.). In both cases, the air supplied to the production areas should be appropriately treated to ensure that the environmental conditions specified are met and that the risks for contamination and cross-contamination are controlled.


Manufacturers using recirculation systems should determine the percentage of fresh air to be supplied to the relevant manufacturing areas, as required by national and international standards. This volume of air should be verified during qualification.


In both scenarios, appropriate levels of filtration should be applied to prevent contamination and cross-contamination. Manufacturers should ensure that when HEPA filters are used that these are appropriately installed, not damaged and thus suitable for the intended use (see tests described below under the section of qualification).


Figure 8. Example of a full fresh-air system 图八 全新风系统

Section 7.  Air filtration, airflow direction and pressure differentials
第七节  空气过滤、气流方向和压差

Effective ventilation and appropriate levels of filtration are recommended in basic GMP guidelines. Manufacturers should determine which classes of filters should be used in ensuring that contaminants from outside are not introduced into manufacturing areas and that where recirculation systems are used, filtration of recirculated air should be effectively treated to ensure that there is no risk of cross-contamination. Where different products are manufactured in different rooms in the same facility at the same time, appropriate controls should be in place to ensure containment and the prevention of contamination and cross- contamination.


Filters selected for air filtration, air changes and airflow direction should be determined and specified. When a manufacturer chooses to install high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to achieve the desired degree of filtration of air, these filters may be placed in the AHU or may be installed terminally near the supply grille.


The number of air changes or air exchange rates should be sufficient. A guidance value is between 6 and 20 air changes per hour. Manufacturers should also establish how much time it takes for a room, which is out of its classification, to return within the specified class. This is often referred to as clean-up or recovery time. A guidance time period for clean-up or recovery is about 15 to 20 minutes.


Airflow directions should be specified and proven to promote containment and not be adversely affected or obstructed by equipment, utilities, containers or personnel. The location of supply and return or exhaust air grilles should facilitate appropriate airflow directions in an area.


Figure 9 is a schematic diagram of air-handling system serving rooms with horizontal directional flow, vertical directional flow and turbulent flow, for rooms 3, 4 and 5, respectively. In these room, the HEPA filters are indicate to have been placed terminally mounted at the rooms and not in the AHU. Terminally-mounted HEPA filters can assist with preventing cross-contamination from room to room in the event of a fan failure condition.


Figure 9. Example of horizontal airflow, vertical flow and turbulent flow   图九  水平气流,垂直气流和波动气流示意图

The pressure differential should be of sufficient magnitude to ensure containment and prevention of flow reversal, but should not be so high as to create turbulence problems. It is suggested that pressure differentials of between 5 Pa and 20 Pa be considered. Where the design pressure differential is too low and tolerances are at opposite extremities a flow reversal can take place. There should be no risk of overlap in the acceptable operating range. e.g. 5 Pa to 15 Pa in one room and 15 Pa to 30 Pa in an adjacent room, resulting in the failure of the pressure cascade. The upper and lower limits for pressure differentials between areas in a facility should be defined by the manufacturer. Where there are inter leading rooms the limits should be appropriate to ensure that there is no overlap in actual values as this may result in loss in pressure differential between areas and even reversal of air flow.

压差应足够大到可以确保密闭性及避免气流逆转,但不应该高到造成气流不稳定问题。建议考虑5~20 Pa的压差。当设计压差太低,限度在相对极值时,气流会发生转向。在可接受的操作范围内不应有重叠的风险,例如在一个房间中为5Pa至15Pa,而在相邻房间中为15Pa至30Pa,导致压力梯级失效。厂房内各区域之间压差的上限和下限应由制造商确定。如果有缓冲室,限值需恰当以确保实际值不会产生重叠,反之则会导致区域之间的压差降低甚至气流逆转。

The pressure control and monitoring devices used should be calibrated and where possible, be linked to an alarm system set according to the determined levels.


Figure 10: Examples of pressure cascades 图10 压差形成示例图

Airlocks 气闸室

Airlocks with different pressure cascade regimes include the cascade airlock, sink airlock and bubble airlock:


· cascade airlock: higher pressure on one side of the airlock and lower pressure on the other;

· 阶梯气闸室:气闸室一侧压力较高,另一侧压力较低;

· sink airlock: lower pressure inside the airlock and higher pressure on both outer sides;

· 水槽气闸室:气闸室内压力较低,外两侧面压力较高。

· bubble airlock: higher pressure inside the airlock and lower pressure on both outer sides.

· 气泡气闸室:气闸室内压力较高,外两侧面压力较低。

Figure 11: Example of cascade airlock 图11:阶梯气闸室示意图

· (在大多数情况下,气闸室的内部压力并不重要。外侧面压差是重要的判据。)

Figure 12: Example of sink airlock  图12:水槽气闸室示意图

Figure 13: Example of bubble airlock 图13:气泡气闸室示意图

Note: The diagrams above and the differential pressures shown here are for illustration purposes only. Pressures indicated in these examples are absolute pressures, whereas the local pressure indication would most likely be pressure differential from room to room.


Additional controls should be identified through risk identification and risk assessment. For example, where possible, personnel should not move between different areas during production (such as compression rooms and in process control laboratories) unless there is no risk of contamination of other areas. Personnel often become sources of contamination as they may carry dust from one area to another. Controls may include airlocks or gowning procedures.

通过风险识别和风险评估应确定其他控制措施。例如,人员在生产过程中尽可能避免在不同的区域之间移动 (例如压缩室和过程控制实验室),除非不存在污染其他区域的风险。人是最常见的污染源,因其可以将灰尘从一个区域带至另一个区域。可以通过气闸室及穿净化服进行控制。

Section 8: Temperature and relative humidity
第八节  温度及相对湿度

Manufacturers should set appropriate upper and lower limits for temperature and relative humidity for different areas. The required storage conditions specified for the materials and products should be considered when the limits are defined. The HVAC system should be designed in such a manner that these limits can be achieved and be maintained through all seasons.


Systems for dehumidification or humidification require special considerations due to their contamination risk (e.g. condensate formation, bacterial and fungal contamination, contaminated steam and risks when using mobile systems between different areas). Chemicals such as corrosion inhibitors or chelating agents, which could have a detrimental effect on the product, should not be added to the boiler system. Humidification systems should be well drained. No condensate should accumulate in air-handling systems. Other humidification appliances such as evaporative systems, atomizers and water mist sprays, should not be used because of the potential risk of microbial contamination. Air filters should not be installed immediately downstream of humidifiers as moisture on the filters could lead to bacterial growth. Cold surfaces should be insulated to prevent condensation within the clean area or on air-handling components. Chemical driers using silica gel or lithium chloride are acceptable provided that they do not become sources of contamination.


Section 9. Dust, vapour and fume control  
第九节  粉尘、蒸气、烟雾控制

Manufacturers should ensure that dust-generated vapours and fumes are effectively removed from the manufacturing areas. Extraction or collecting systems should be designed and qualified to demonstrate this. Sufficient air velocity should be maintained in such systems to effectively remove dust and vapours.


A dust extractor should normally not serve different rooms where different products can be processed at the same time due to the risks such as backflow or flow from room to room resulting in possible contamination and cross-contamination.


Wherever possible, dust or vapour contamination should be removed at source, i.e. as close as possible to the point where the dust is generated. Dust extraction ducting should be designed with sufficient transfer velocity (determined by the manufacturer depending on materials and products processed) to ensure that dust is carried away, and does not settle in the ducting (a guidance value is 15–20 m/s). As vapours can be problematic, extraction may be supported by directional airflow to assist in the removal. The density of the vapour should be taken into consideration with extract grilles at a high level or possibly at both high and low levels.

如有可能,应在源头清除粉尘或气雾污染,如尽可能靠近产尘区。除尘管道应被设计具备足够的传输速度(由生产商根据所加工的物料和产品决定)以确保粉尘清除,而不滞留在管道内(指导值:15-20m/s)。由于蒸气可能会产生问题,因此可以通过定向空气流来辅助除尘。 应该考虑到蒸气密度,萃取物格栅应该在高处或可能在水平处.

Section 10.Protection of the environment
第十节  环境保护

Manufacturers should have controls in place to ensure that air from production areas, including contaminated air from equipment such as fluid bed driers, is passed through appropriate levels of filtration to ensure that the environment is not polluted. Manufacturers should consult national and international environmental legislation.


Section 11. Commissioning  
第十一节  试车
Where manufacturers perform commissioning, this should be clearly documented.


Section 12. Qualification
第十二节  确认

Manufacturers should consider all stages of qualification for their HVAC systems. This includes, where appropriate, user requirement specification, design qualification, factory acceptance test, site acceptance test, installation qualification, operational qualification and performance qualification. Qualification to be done over the life cycle of the HVAC system should be described and executed including, e.g. when changes are made to the system.


Validation master plan(s), protocols, reports and source data for tests should be available. The scope and extent of qualification should be determined based on risk assessment. Parameters with limits included in qualification (such as temperature test, airflow direction, viable and non-viable particle counts) should be justified by manufacturers. The procedures followed for the performance of the tests should generally be in line with the standard as described in ISO 14644.


Some of the typical HVAC system parameters that should be included in the tests during qualification are listed below. It is recommended that the tests be done at defined intervals. The tests typically cover:


— temperature;
— relative humidity;
— supply air quantities;
— return air or exhaust air quantities;
— room air-change rates;
— pressure differentials;
— airflow direction test;
— installed filter leakage tests;
— particle counts;
— clean-up or recovery rates;
— microbiological counts;
— warning/alarm systems.

Table 1. Considerations in testing  表1 测试要点

Section 13. Maintenance
第十三节  维护

Manufacturers should maintain current documentation for HVAC systems which include operation and maintenance manuals, schematic drawings, procedures and records.


Repairs, maintenance and preventive maintenance (including cleaning, replacement of components, changes, qualification) should be executed in accordance with procedures. Records for these should be maintained for an appropriate time.

来源于:网络整理,侵权告删      www.guolvfenlitech.com


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